Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week 4 Posting 2 (Cover Page)

The first step of designing my magazine was thinking of a title. I started with titles like, Education Weekly but booted that out as Education Week is already a magazine. After that came generic and safe titles like The Educator, Educate, Teach, and so on. Upon researching for a while, I asked for some outside opinion between Educate and The Educator. My friend said they were both okay, but they were both boring, and she suggested looking in the Thesaurus. Eventually I decided on Inquiry, it was simplistic but did not give away the entire premise of the magazine, and we both agreed that it was a good title.

Next, I began thinking about my cover. I made a couple of sketches of what I was thinking:

My favorite idea is the top right I have no set font and set cover lines, but as I was writing this posting I think I might use a sell line to define the magazine. Maybe something like "America's Number One Education Magazine" or "Redefining Education". I want one block of text on my page reading "Why it's time to strip away traditional education" and maybe a cover line reading "(Number of alternative learning methods featured) learning methods that could work for your classroom" but I would need to find a good place to put this cover line. The thing I am most excited for so far is the cover photo. I am planning on gathering some school related objects as well as maybe a T-Shirt and some jeans and floating them in a pool. This can symbolize summer when school is out as well as the "stripping" of objects correlated to traditional school, such as backpacks. I working on finding a friends pool to exploit, as my neighborhood pool is public. Also, we have some stormy weather coming up and maybe the lighting combined withe the weather could have a cool effect? Here is my most succinct and badly drawn design:

P.S. Please excuse my stick figures

That's it for this posting, I am really excited to start producing my actual magazine and getting feedback from my live source!

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